Nicole T. Barlow

Health and Wellness for Foster & Adoptive Parents and Trauma Professionals

Helping Take Care of You So That You Can Take Care of Them

Health and Wellness for Parents

Ready to prioritize your health? As a parent or professional working with children who’ve experienced trauma, self-care is crucial. My personalized health coaching will support your unique needs. Let’s start this transformative journey today!

Workplace Wellness as a Trauma Professional

As a dedicated trauma professional, your well-being is paramount to your success. It’s time to prioritize your own health so you can continue making a difference in the lives of others. With my tailored workplace wellness program, I’ll guide you towards a transformative journey unlike any other. Say goodbye to stress and exhaustion, and hello to a revitalized, empowered version of yourself!

Health Coaching

Join my 6-week program to unlock a healthier, happier you. Say goodbye to fatigue and stress, and welcome boundless energy and endurance. Ready for this life-changing journey?

Join our VIP Community

Have you already completed the empowering 6 week coaching program? Take your progress to the next level by becoming part of our exclusive VIP Membership Group!


Looking to enhance your foster care and adoption journey? Join our transformative trainings on trauma, well-being, mindset, healing, and much more!

New Perspectives for Workplace Wellness

Professionals working with children who have experienced trauma face unique challenges in their work setting.  Discover new ways to enhance your well-being and make a lasting impact with our tailored workplace wellness program.

Don’t Wait Any Longer. Start Forging Your Own Path Today!